On Sunday 8th March, I, Cpl Barker, Cdt Eden, Cdt Ewers and Sgt (ATC) McArthur from 422 (Corby) Squadron went to RAF Wittering to have a day of target shooting at the range as part of a Wing Shoot. We arrived at 08:30hrs and stayed until well into the afternoon. We joined other cadets from around South and East Midlands Wing, which mainly consisted of cadets who had not experienced live firing on a range, apart from Cdt Ewers who had been the weekend before.
We were first briefed on the safety instructions by the Range Conducting Officer before splitting into two groups of six. We were given many tasks to complete; to shoot below a black diamond and a semi-circle during time periods, for example twenty rounds in ten seconds and groupings to name a few.
Cdt Thomas Ewers said, “I loved firing the L98 A2. It has given me confidence with the rifle and I hope to use it again soon”.
The groupings decide whether you get your marksman or not and although no one managed to achieve their badge this time, spirits still ran high as the rain held off…mostly!
After three attempts from each group, the rifles were taken inside to be cleaned. This was challenging for most of the cadets, however the training back at the Squadron really helped, thanks to Sgt (ATC) Goodier from 1101 (Kettering) Squadron.
It was a brilliant day and I would definitely go again. I can now use my experience to help others back at the Squadron.
It looks like RAF Wittering will be seeing lots more of 422 this year!
Cdt Sgt Emma Beadsworth